Supported Lodgings

Wrexham County Borough Council Supported Lodgings Service provides a valuable resource that supports young people in the transition from being in foster care or residential homes to living independently, by matching them up with a host who can provide a room in their home. This is a period when supported lodgings providers can pass on life skills to the young people and help them live successfully on their own. This includes such things as budgeting, washing, cleaning, decorating, paying bills, being a good neighbour and so on… the list is endless.
So if you have a spare room that is furnished and you want to make a difference by helping a teenager get a better start in life then please get in touch. Support and training are provided as well as a weekly fee for rent of the room and your support. If you have ever considered fostering but then felt that it was too big a commitment, then this may be the opportunity you have been looking for. These are young people that are semi-independent, so you don’t need to be there all of the time and they are often in college during term time.
Don’t delay, give us a call on 01978 295619 for a chat or e-mail for more information.
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