Senedd yr Ifanc, Wrexham
The Senedd yr Ifanc consults with other young people aged 11-25 and then promotes positive change within Wrexham.
The Senedd yr Ifanc is a youth parliament made up of volunteers aged between 11 and 25 who have a connection to Wrexham.
The Senedd yr Ifanc meet on the last Monday of every month excluding bank holidays and the Winter Break. Meetings take place in the Guildhall Wrexham, and are made up of both formal and informal sections.
A typical meeting may include an introductory icebreaker to begin the session followed by debates, issue based workshops, group work, brainstorming, project work, and visits from professionals who would like young people’s input on a project. Members of the Senedd yr Ifanc are also provided with training and volunteering opportunities with recognition, such as certificates and accreditation.

The members work on gathering young people’s views and opinions on issues that affect them. They then work in collaboration with organisations and professionals to strive for positive change.
These are the projects and priorities that members of the Senedd yr Ifanc are currently involved in. Click the titles to learn more.

Work began on the Senedd yr Ifanc Anti-Knife Crime project in 2019, when the young people of Wrexham highlighted the issue. Since then, the young people have created and conducted two consultations to gather the views of young people. Following the consultations, the members of the Senedd yr Ifanc Anti-Knife Crime group created their ‘Start a #KnifeChat’ campaign. This campaign aims to prevent and highlight the dangers of carrying a knife. For information on the consultation results please contact

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB)
Members of the Senedd yr Ifanc who have been supporting work with BCUHB have been involved in a number of projects. These include: supporting the development of a Children’s Charter and Recipe Book – a promise to respect the wellbeing, voice and rights of children and young people from organisations in Wales; successfully proposing the development of ‘Leadership Boards’ (youth forums) within BCUHB to the Chief Executive, outlining the importance of children’s rights and youth voice; and regularly contributing to the interview process of individuals applying for a role working with / relevant to children and young people.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
The Senedd yr Ifanc began working in collaboration with CAMHS on this project in 2018 when young people who use their service told us that the environment of appointment rooms is too clinical for them to feel comfortable. In 2020, we launched a consultation in which 947 young people told us how they would like to see the CAMHS environment and website improved. The information gathered was all fed back to CAMHS and we are currently working together to make adjustments based on the consultation responses.

Public Health Wales
A number of Senedd yr Ifanc members sit on the Public Health Wales Young Ambassadors (YA) programme. It’s a national group of 12-21 year-olds created with the aim of equipping and empowering young people to influence and take part in the decision making of Public Health Wales in a meaningful way. The work takes place during overnight stays in Cardiff, 3 times a year. Recent work the members have supported include: creating PHW communications to engage young people, PHW Board participation, sex and relationships, substance misuse and vaping, and period dignity.

UK Youth Parliament
The UK Youth Parliament is an elected body of young people aged 11-18 from across the UK. The UK Youth Parliament use their elected voice to bring about social change through meaningful representation and campaigning, enabling young people to use their energy and passion to change the world for the better. In Wrexham, members of the Senedd yr Ifanc elect a peer to represent the views of Wrexham’s young people to the UK Youth Parliament. Wrexham’s current member of UK Youth Parliament is Katie, and Alex is the deputy member.

World Children’s Day
World Children’s Day is celebrated globally on 20th November. Each year, teams within Wrexham Council hold an annual event on or around that date to celebrate children’s rights and their place in society. This event is totally free and is aimed at children, young people and families. The events usually have free meal vouchers, information market stalls, activities, and entertainment. The Senedd yr Ifanc contribute to the planning of the event and hold their own stall providing a fun activity.

Youth Work Week
Youth work week is celebrated annually in Wales in June. This year (2023), youth organisations and young people across Wrexham got together to celebrate the positive impact of youth work and promote available services. Members of the Senedd yr Ifanc joined the celebrations with a stall promoting the work we do, and joining in the parade through the city.

Play Day
On the first Wednesday of August every year, Wrexham Play Team host ‘Play Day’ in the city centre. Play Day is celebrated nationally to emphasize the importance of play. Each year, the day is filled with fun, free activities enjoyed by thousands of children. These include den building, go-kart building, a giant sand pit, water slides, and a fire pit. The Senedd yr Ifanc support this fantastic event each year with a stall and activity of their own, such as water stocks, face painting and circus games.

Rewards Trips
The young people who volunteer their time to the Senedd yr Ifanc work incredibly hard all year round. As a thank you for their dedication, they are offered activities and trips as rewards. Some of the activities they have chosen recently include bowling, escape rooms, zoos, museums, castles, and restaurants.

The group’s priorities for change are voted for by the young people of Wrexham during their Ballot (a large scale vote that takes place every two years). The group’s current priority is ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing’. A new consultation will take place autumn 2023 and a new priority will be allocated in January 2024 based on the voices of young people in Wrexham. After the top issues are chosen, The Senedd yr Ifanc then work on them for the next two years to make a positive change for the young people of Wrexham.
Here, you will find our most recent news detailing achievements and work of the Senedd yr Ifanc.
The projects we work on are ever changing. Some projects we engage with regularly (such as Play Day, World Children’s Day and work with Public Health Wales), but most projects must come to an end. See below to get an idea of some of the work we have been involved with in the past.
Local Projects
Since its creation in 2010, the Senedd yr Ifanc has been involved in and developed many projects, activities and events. Here are some examples of our previous work locally:
Events such as ‘Wrexpression’ (celebrating creative expression) and ‘30 Years of Children’s Rights Celebration’.
International Women’s Day
The opportunity for girls to shadow influential and successful women on International Women’s Day.
Time to Make a Difference
a Mental Health project that provided teacher training and educational notice boards in schools.
Educational/promotional videos
Educational/promotional videos on areas including Associate Pupil Governors, The Senedd yr Ifanc, and reducing litter.
Votes at 16
Campaigning for Votes at 16.
Public Service Board
Work with Wrexham Public Service Board to produce ‘Our Wellbeing Consultation’.
National Input
Young Wales
Ran by Children in Wales, Young Wales is a national platform that feeds into Welsh Government. Through this project, young people from Wrexham have fed into national policies and strategies, and met with decision makers including the Welsh First Minister and Welsh Government Ministers.
Common Wealth Youth Council
A member from the Senedd yr Ifanc attended the Common Wealth Youth Council in 2017 to represent the young people of Wales.
National Youth Work Awards
Senedd yr Ifanc members were invited to judge a National Youth Work Award category by Welsh Government. They also presented the award to the winner in Cardiff.
Make Your Mark Ballot
Similar to our own Ballot, the Make Your Mark Ballot gives young people the chance to have a say on the biggest issues facing young people, but this is on a national level.
Priorities remain in place for a full term (two years) before they are put out for another vote. In the previous term (2020 – 2022), young people in Wrexham told us that ‘Our Environment’ and ‘Understanding Knife Crime’ were the two top issues for them. In the term of 2018 – 2020, young people voted ‘Prevent and Stop Bullying’ and ‘My Voice’ as the top two issues.

Our Environment:
Aiming to reduce single use plastics and lower our carbon footprint in Wrexham.
Understanding Knife Crime:
Looking into if there’s already an issue and hoping to reduce future knife crime in Wrexham.

Prevent and Stop Bullying:
Raising awareness of bullying and the stigma relating to it. Asking the question – ‘Bullying or Banter?’ and looking at the difference.
My Voice:
Being listened to on decisions that affect my life and understanding how these will affect me.
How to Get Involved
- Are you a young person aged 11-25?
- Do you live, study or work in Wrexham?
- Would you like to find out more about what the Senedd yr Ifanc do?
- Would you like to become a member of the Senedd yr Ifanc?
- If the answer is ‘YES!’, then please contact The Participation Team via telephone (01978298374), email, or social media.

If you would like more information on this topic or you have any questions, please contact The Participation Team via telephone (01978298374), email, or social media.
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