School and College
School, College, Sixth Form… the best years of your life right? In this section you’ll find links to articles and organisations that cover things like starting school, leaving school, study skills, year 9 & 11 choices, exclusion, and qualifications.
If you’re looking for things about university including applying, head to the university section. Stuff on gap years is in everything else.
Starting School
Bethany’s Top Tips for Moving Up To Secondary School
An old Sprout article called My First Day At School
An old Sprout article called Brand New
The best (and worst) tips for year sevens starting secondary school
Year 9 Options
Careers Wales have a big section on Year 9 Options
Year 11 Options / Sixth Form / Leaving School
Apply for EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance)
How to get free school transport after 16 in Wrexham
AS Level and A Level Decisions
Choosing a subject/course at 16/17
Careers Wales has lots of information and advice to help you with your choices after Year 11
An old Sprout article called Leaving School
How To Survive Sixth Form
Funding for students in sixth form college from Careers Wales
Study Skills
Studential’s simple-but-effective revision tips for GCSEs students
The Mix’s (formerly Study & Exams section
Welsh Government info on exclusion from schools and pupil referral units
Citizens Advice on problems at school, including exclusion
Confused about qualifications?
School Councils/Pupil Participation
An important right outlined in the UNCRC says young people have a right to have a say in things that affect them and that they should be listened to and respected when decisions are made. More info here and here.
Some Organisations
Pupil Voice Wales is your one-stop shop for pupil participation in Wales
Careers Wales has tons of info about school, college and courses
Coleg Cambria have some great advice.
Studential aims to help all students aged 16 and older with their academic journey, by offering information and advice on all stages of education
If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Funding Partners