Immigration and Asylum
Immigration and asylum are two of the biggest issues in the news, in politics and on many people’s minds these days, especially with the Syria crisis and 2016 EU referendum.
As puts it, “Wales is part of the United Kingdom (UK). The UK Border Agency is responsible for managing border control for the whole of the UK, including considering applications for permission to enter or stay in the UK and for citizenship.”
This is why the first section of links below is to do with the UK Government.
Note: The Welsh Government has a commitment to the UNCRC and upholding young people’s rights in Wales and this extends to asylum seeking young people. You can read more about UNCRC in our UNCRC section!
There are a number of charities and organisations offering help and support to asylum seekers, refugees and trafficking victims, and the below is just a starting point, from which your ideas and search may sprout…
If you don’t scroll down enough here, you’ll miss the section on Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation.
Top UK Government Links – Visas and Immigration – All of the UK Government’s information about immigration, visas, asylum, settling in the UK, and more. – Asylum support – You can apply for asylum support if you’re homeless or don’t have money to buy food. – Asylum Helplines – Get help by phone if you’re an asylum applicant or refugee and you need advice about the asylum process or adapting to life in the UK. – Check if you need a visa to visit, study or work.
Top Local Links
Tros Gynnal Plant – Fair&Square project – An advocacy and participation service for children and young people who are seeking asylum and refugees, aged 11-25 years across Newport and Cardiff.
Displaced People In Action (DPIA) – Help for #refugees and #asylumseekers to integrate into their new lives in Wales.
Top National Links
Refugee Council – A UK-wide charity offering support to refugees in the UK.
Welsh Refugee Council – “We empower asylum seekers and refugees to build new futures in Wales and help create a society where respect and equality for all are paramount.” They offer specialist advice and support face-to-face, online and via telephone.
Refugee Support – Wales – British Red Cross – Help for refugees and asylum seekers to access essential services and adapt to life in Wales.
Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation
- If an individual has been brought into the UK or Wales by deception, fraud or by force or threat or violence by another person, then they are considered to be a victim of Human Trafficking.
- This is a form of modern day slavery, where a person has been taken against their will or by deception, into another country to be exploited by their captor.
- Once trafficking victims are in the UK, they are forced to work as servants, slaves, or forced into sexual abuse and prostitution.
Human Trafficking Helpline – Salvation Army – the UK’s main 24-hour confidential human trafficking helpline: 0300 3038151.
Worried about a child who may have been trafficked into the UK? Phone the NSPCC’s Child Trafficking Advice Centre.
Barnardo Cymru’s Seraf Service – for children and young people who are at risk of or abused through sexual exploitation in Wales.
If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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