Social Media
Social media plays a huge part in our lives; it is one of the main ways in which we communicate with friends and family. To get the most out of apps and websites its important wee know how to use them safely. This section will provide you with information on how to use social media correctly and to keep yourself safe.
Ever thought how strange our online behaviour is?
The South West Learning Grid has some great resources, they have some online leaflets for social media with some great advice on how to set your privacy settings and what information you should or should not put online.
And information on privacy and reputation which is really important, what you post can impact on you going to college, university or getting a job in the future.
If you are worried about about a friend online check out Think You Know, or if you are worried about someone contacting you or the stuff they are putting online
Useful Websites
If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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