by davidsyoungwrex | 19/03/2020 at 1:59pm
Young People’s Wellbeing Resource Pack This pack has been developed by CAMHS service in Denbighshire/Conway and Wrexham/Flintshire We know that a lot of young people, and adults, might be feeling…
by davidsyoungwrex | 30/03/2020 at 2:09pm
Young people from Senedd Yr Ifanc (Wrexham’s Youth Participation) are making sure that local older people in the community are not forgotten and are checking up on them to see…
by davidsyoungwrex | 14/05/2020 at 3:42pm
You’ve been staying home to stay safe over the last few weeks. People who can help to make a difference to your life want to listen to how you have…
by davidsyoungwrex | 23/03/2020 at 11:43am
Info Shop for Young People Mondays – 07585 103649 Tuesdays/ Thursdays – 07584 440126 Wednesdays – 07585 103631 Fridays – 07800 688823 These phone numbers also apply to Second…
by davidsyoungwrex | 19/03/2020 at 4:33pm
Info Shop – Young Peoples Information and Advice Service and Sexual Health Clinic – Now Closed from Tuesday 24th March. Due to the Corona Virus, the info shop and clinic…
by davidsyoungwrex | 25/03/2020 at 10:35pm
#staysafe #stayINFOrmed If you are unable to get a response from one of the numbers of the team that you need to speak to, please try the other numbers of…
by davidsyoungwrex | 27/03/2020 at 3:19pm
In2change is a free and confidential young person’s drug and alcohol project who work with young people aged 11 – 18 years (up to their 19th Birthday) on a voluntary…
by davidsyoungwrex | 19/03/2020 at 2:39pm
This pack has been developed by CAMHS service in Denbighshire/Conway and Wrexham/Flintshire We recognise that this may be a worrying time for families with lots of uncertainty as a result…
by davidsyoungwrex | 27/03/2020 at 3:08pm
The Youth Homelessness Prevention service offers support to young people 11-25 years old who are experiencing problems with their accommodation on a voluntary basis and is still accepting referrals during…
by davidsyoungwrex | 20/02/2020 at 1:58pm
Young Wrexham has teamed up with students from Coleg Cambria in Wrexham to give an insight into the lives of young people in Wrexham. Over the next few weeks we…