What is this research about?
This research is looking at young people’s experiences of learning about relationships, sex and sexuality. It is being carried out by Cardiff University, University College London (UCL) and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). The research findings will help schools, youth groups and other organisations understand young people’s views and experiences of learning and seeking support about relationships, sex and sexuality, and how this can be made better.
In the first part of our research, we listened to young people in schools and youth groups across England, Wales and Scotland who told us:
– How and where they learn about relationships, sex and sexuality
– What they would like to learn more about
– How they get help and advice about these issues
When we listened to young people talk about relationships, sex and sexuality they covered topics such as identity; friendships; romantic or sexual attraction & relationships; puberty; body image; sexual health and well-being; bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence; rights, equality and safety.
What is this survey about?
This survey is the second part of the ‘Sexuality Education +’ project. In the first part of the research, we listened to young people. After examining what they have shared with us, we have developed this short online survey. The aim of the survey is to find out what a larger range of young people think about these things.
The survey will show you 11 statements. You can say how much you agree or disagree with each of them. The statements ask about where and how you learn about relationships, sex and sexuality, and what you would like to change and why. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think. There are no right or wrong answers.
You’ll only be asked to tick boxes so the survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete. We only ask you respond to the 11 statements, your age and which part of the UK you live in. We won’t ask you for any other personal information about yourselves.
Who can complete this survey?
Young people aged 14-17 years old who live in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Will anyone know that I’ve taken part?
No, you will not be asked for your name or any information that will identify you and we cannot trace the survey back to you.
Do I have to take part?
No. You can decide if you want to take part or not. You can start and stop any time. If you stop then we will record your answers, but we will not use them in our research. You do not have to answer all the questions – you can click ‘I don’t want to answer’ or leave the question blank, for as many questions as you like.
Do I need to tell my parents/ carers I’m taking part?
Not unless you would like to; it’s up to you whether you take part or not. If you would like to discuss taking part in the survey with your parents/carers, and it is safe for you to do so, you can show them this information page. This will take them to a webpage with more information about the survey.
What will you do with my answers?
When you get to the end of the survey you can click submit. This will send your answers to the research team and let us know that you have finished answering the questions. If you leave the survey part way through, we will still see your answers, but we will not use them in the research. Because we don’t know who you are, we will not be able to remove your answers from the study if you later change your mind.
What do I do if I’d like help or advice about some of the things that I’m asked about?
If you would like some help, advice or support about any issue please contact Childline on 0800 11 11 or visit https://www.childline.org.uk/.
Childline is open 24hrs, every day, and it’s free to call or chat online.