Christmas is great time of the year for spending time with friends and family members. Be it at home or in pub or restaurant.
It is also very easy to over indulge and just put it down to “Oh its Christmas” and maybe take risks with our health and well-being that we wouldn’t normal do any other point in the year, especially when alcohol is involved.
It is important that, whilst we should absolutely have a good time at Christmas, we take care of ourselves and the people we care about as well. Taking steps that will allow us indulge ourselves in safe and healthy way.

Click the link below to see some tips for a fun and safe Christmas whilst out and about.
Twelve tips to make the most of Christmas | Drinkaware
In2change is a free and confidential young person’s drug and alcohol project who work with young people aged 11 – 25 on a voluntary basis.
For help on referring to In2change email us on or ring us directly on 01978 295629