World Suicide Prevention Day

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Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, a day to highlight the importance of mental health and suicide prevention.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that there’s always hope and help available.  It’s okay to reach out, and there are safe spaces where you can talk openly about what you’re going through.

At the Info Shop, we’re committed to being that safe space for young people.  If you need to talk, our trained youth workers are here to listen, offer support, and provide guidance in a confidential and non-judgmental environment.  Whether you need advice, a friendly ear, or just someone to listen to you, the Info Shop is a place where you can express yourself freely and find the support you need.

If you’re looking for immediate help or additional resources, there are several helplines available across the UK and in Wales that you can contact:

  • Samaritans: Call or text 116 123 for 24/7 support. No matter what you’re facing, they’re available to listen and help.
  • Childline: Reach out to 0800 1111 if you’re under 19. Their trained counselors are there to support you with any concerns you may have.
  • Mind: Contact 0300 123 3393 for mental health support and advice tailored to your needs.
  • Wales Crisis Care: For those in Wales, you can call 0800 028 0078 for 24/7 crisis support and guidance.

Remember, reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.  It’s okay to ask for help.  Every conversation is a step towards finding hope and support. On this World Suicide Prevention Day, let’s make a commitment to reach out and check in with those around us.

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