Senedd yr Ifanc – Our Wellbeing Consultation results

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On behalf of Wrexham’s Public Service Board (PSB) the Senedd yr Ifanc/Wrexham Youth Parliament developed and took the lead on this young people’s consultation.

This consultation was an opportunity for the young people of Wrexham aged 11-18 to share their views and to contribute to the Public Service Board Well Being Plan 2018 – 2023.

55% of respondents who said that they use technology mostly in their bedrooms don’t have any parental restrictions in place.

The respondents were asked if they use technology within 1 hour of going to sleep. 71% of young people said Yes.

These results show the amount of respondents who use their technology within 1 hour of going to sleep and who say they felt tired during the day.

A considerable 82% said yes they feel tired during the day, with 12% saying sometimes and only 6% saying they don’t feel tired during the day.


57% of respondents think a healthy diet is important, with 40% saying they feel its moderately important. Only 3% think its unimportant.

More young people think that exercise is important than not, 63.13% of young people feel it’s very important, 33.36% think its moderately important with just 3.51% feeling its unimportant.

The results of this consultation give an interesting glimpse into the lives of young people in Wrexham. The results have shown that, as suspected most young people use some technology. It shows that young people today have grown up with technology in many forms and it’s an integral part of their lives. The most used technology is a phone closely followed by a TV and the most used purpose the technology is used for is for watching videos on Netflix or YouTube etc.


Young people are most likely to use their technology at home and the most popular room at home is their bedrooms. 667 of these young people do not have any parental restrictions while using their technology in their bedrooms. Young people use the technology more at weekends with 13 – 15 years olds spending the most time on technology.13 – 15 year olds are also less likely to have parental restrictions on their devices.


71% of the young people we asked use their technology within 1 hour of going to sleep, 82% of these young people said they feel tired during the day. Only 35% of the young people asked knew about the night screen or night shift so the Senedd Yr Ifanc feel this should be more widely promoted to help with sleep issues. The amount of young people who have 10-15 hours’ sleep a day doubles on a weekend and rises again during holidays. 78% of the young people asked feel they have enough sleep yet almost half the young people said they feel tired during the day.

Mostly, young people feel that a healthy diet is very or moderately important and almost half the young people asked feel that weight management is an important issue. Overall only 41.59% of young people feel they have a healthy diet with 29 young people saying they have concerns with being either under or over weight. 89% of young people say they have fresh fruit and or vegetables available in their home yet only 76% of the young people choose to eat it.


Females moods are more likely to influence their eating habits over males. Over a quarter of young people eat junk/fast food on a daily basis with over half having fizzy pops, 8.06% of young people drink alcohol on a daily basis. Water is the most consumed drink with 87.67% of young people drinking it daily. 63.13% of the young people asked feel that exercise is very important.

The most remembered food adverts were ‘fast food’ adverts and these were mostly seen on TV. 407 young people said they would like to buy what they saw. The most preferred way to learn new essential skills would be in school time with 84 young people saying they would like to be taught either by parents/family or at home.


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