This week is advocacy awareness week, Advocacy can help you know your rights, help you to have your voice heard and to keep you involved in decisions that are being made about you and your life.
What is advocacy? Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need. Advocates work in partnership with the people they support. Advocacy is about listening to you, representing your wishes and feelings by being a second voice to get something stopped, started, changed or challenged. Advocacy promotes social inclusion, equality and social justice.
Did you know there are lots of advocacy services that you can get support from? Second Voice Advocacy Service based within the Info Shop is a free confidential advocacy service for young people aged 11-25. It is an Issue based Advocacy Service and will help support you to get your voice heard, help you express your wishes and feelings in situations and decisions that involve you making sure you know your rights.
Advocates will Listen to what you have to say Help you understand
TGP – Tros Gynnal y plant Provide advocacy for children and young people under 25 who have social services involvement 0800 111 6880 North TGP Cymru
NWAAA North Wales Advocacy – 18+ Can provide advocacy services to people who need extra help to be involved in their care planning and care assessment. Wrexham Project – NWAAA Independents Advocacy Service for Wales
ASNEW –Independent community advocacy for Wrexham clients engaged with BCUHB mental health services